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Rules of the Chatrooms

These are general rules that apply to ALL chatrooms. Please go to the Chatroom Safety page for more information on banning and how to appeal againt your ban if you think it is unfair
  • Do not constantly repeat the same message
  • No racial or abusive comments will be tolerated
  • Do not flood the screen with your text
  • Do not create any chatrooms with swear words
  • Do not imitate a moderator or administrator to gain personal benifit in any other user chatrooms
  • Do NOT ask personal questions like full names, addresses and what school people go to
  • Do NOT attempt to set up meeting arrangements with anyone on our chat services
  • Anyone seen giving out personal information will be banned
  • The chatrooms are protected by moderators, these are the blue people at the top of the nickname list. To appeal against a ban do not private message these people please use our appeal form. We are always looking to recruit new moderators for our busy chatrooms. If you have experience with the chatspace software and you're respected in the chatrooms please fill out our apply for moderation status form. These positions are unpaid but you will recieve benifits with the site which will be explained at the time your new position is issued


    This was a controversial issue during the early stages of developing the chat server, alot of people didnt want to permit this to regular users because of the bad crowds it appeals to and the malicious aspects it brings to the chatrooms, but we settled on allowing it providing the users keep to our strict guidelines

  • No bots (trivia services, e.g)
  • No flooding or persistant MP3 spam into server rooms
  • No mass interference in any chatroom (inviting, kicking e.g)
  • No protections of any kind (user protect e.g)
  • It's very likely as we expand, this feature will no longer be given to standard users because there is always a minority that will abuse it and ruin it for the rest of our chatters

    Any further questions regarding the rules list such rules you think should be added please let us know using the form below





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